Signs Of Love

Not more than a half hour ago, I was lying on my couch watching a movie not so new or so well-known, but finally a romantic movie: signs of love, you will understand that on the eve of new year to creative teams of cable cannot think them a better schedule than this, but well that is not the case, what comes is to ask ourselves how a writer has the imagination to believe that we tragaremos the story that destiny put it in your path repeatedly to your better half as you see it and it will send you signals that make missing so that you realize that that person is. By God! Thousand times I have asked for a miraculous sign that tell me that this if he is the man of my life and the only thing that I have heard have been crickets! And all the times that I have seen thousand signs that remind me of the person, simply was not correct. And to give more credibility to what you tell them, I quote a couple of situations that happened to me recently. Mark Thompson might disagree with that approach. I was madly in love with a Bonbon, a type that brought everything together what always I asked a man, really everything, and when I met him I think that he felt that the heart is leaving me, not doing or two minutes I had looked it and told me towards my innermost being than as regio type! and there he was faced with my asking me dancing, and of course danced with it, also I drank a drink with him, I gave him a tight hug and my phone number; but as everything goes wrong in life I imagine that this Superman never would call me, error! Called me, we went out, we spent a beautiful romantic moment in a wonderful place, but there came the wicked life and I snatched my handsome man as it was abroad had to return to his country and I didn’t know more than the. /a>. .