Medicinal Plants Growing

The nature of the organism, medicinal plants are divided into relevant groups, such as: sedatives, hypnotics, narcotics, analgesics, wound healing, invigorating, exciting, kroveostanavlivayuschie, laxative, choleretic, vomiting, fastening, antibiotic. On the chemical composition of medicinal substances belong to different types of compounds: alkaloids, glycosides, essential oils, tannins substances, fatty oils, vitamins and their constituent components. Active ingredients are distributed evenly in plants and in some parts of their lot, others less, some bodies are sometimes completely devoid of these substances. takes a slightly different approach. The composition of medicinal substances and their number can vary greatly at different periods of plant growth. All these processes take place in the known patterns and can be changed under the influence of external conditions environment. In a completely different plants often accumulate a substance arise by one of any type that allows these things thematised plants on chemical grounds (alkaloid, glycoside, essential oil, tannins, saponins in plants). Along with this the same as plants combine different groups of chemicals